Friday, August 24, 2007

No news.

So tomorrow I will be handing my most direct supervisor at work a letter and giving her my two weeks' notice. I will be ending work on September 16. I like the job well enough to not mess up stuff on purpose like I did when I was volunteering at AIDS Community Resources (I would staple reports backwards just to make the accounting lady, who was ridiculous, was fun), but if I had to be a receptionist for the rest of my life, I think I'd go crazy. I don't want to put down anyone who is or has been a receptionist, but it's just not a fun job at all. I also learned that the auditing lady at work is also leaving because the job is "too boring." Interesting.
Also the cranky lady at work today was especially cranky when I followed her directions exactly and then she's confused as to the results, making her more cranky but directed at me. I HATE when the cranky lady is cranky at me.
Mom, Dad, and Bro Nick return from Cape Cod today where it was sunny and warm and beachy.
On Saturday, Mom says that my uncle will be playing at the State Fair. I can't find him ANYWHERE on the schedule that was printed in the paper today, but I have three advance sale tickets for me, Maggie, and Andy and doggone it we're going. For llamas, the chicken barn, Rainbow Milk Bar, and sausage sandwiches. Llllllamas.
My contact in France is supposed to be back from vacation on Saturday. I will be writing her an email tomorrow detailing my progress: visa appointment, tentative room reservation at the FJT in Ussel, annnnd not much else.
Hopefully this blog will become more interesting once...things start happening.

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